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The Weapon (The first shot of WWIII!)

Vicious Alien Klown
Vicious Alien Klown - 673 Views
Published on 09 May 2021 / In

COVID 19 was the first shot of World War III. A bioweapon ained specifically at the U.S and other western countries that are in the way of the New World Order. Bill Gates is the originator of COVID and it's deadly vaccines designed to depopulate the Earth. Klown World News exposes this demon and his patent number. The number of the Beast.

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2 Comments sort Sort by

Vicious Alien Klown
Vicious Alien Klown 3 years ago

This is the video that got me permanently banned from Youtube. It's a badge of honor and they can kiss this Klown's ass.

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Lkysht 3 years ago

Covid 19 is a scam! They used the scam to steal the election. Now they are using the scam to push these deadly vaccines to kill you! Wake up people!

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Vicious Alien Klown
Vicious Alien Klown 3 years ago

It's to spread fear and take control. Then they depopulate. These are some fvckers.

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Dive2663225 3 years ago

God-morning LKY!

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Dive2663225 3 years ago

@Vicious Alien Klown: God-morning Mr. Klown!

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